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Welcome to My Corner of the Interwebs Y’all!

a woman dressed in black
Me looking fly for the Ancient Aliens Live!

Helllooooo Lovelies! I’m so freaking excited to have you here! Seriously, so gracious that you come to hang out with me in this space of the internet that I get to grow like a beautiful field of daisies! So yea, come grab your picnic blanket, pick fruit from my Philosophical Garden, and enjoy the luscious sunshine (or moonlight!) with me!

You will get to know my story as you spend time on my blog, but I figured I’d give you a little snapshot of the parts I play in our spinning globe of life. First off, my name is Kori, and I use she/her pronouns currently. I just have to say, Kori Rae is the most beautiful name that my parents could have given me… and I didn’t realize until I was older that having a softer spelling of traditionally masculine names was going to define my passion for cultivating both Divine Masculine and Feminine energy within me. So you can call me Kori Rae, Kori, KoKo, K-Rae, Rae, Kori… just don’t call me late for supper! :P

My Right-Now Passions

Currently, I dabble in many activities that enrich my life:

Me and Aysen excited about Beef House Rolls

- Creating a loving home for my 9-year-old daughter Aysen and life partner Dan on our mini-farm in rural western Indiana (including raising chickens, which has been one of the most rewarding and silly projects I’ve ever undertaken). We live in a beautiful log cabin (that Dan built by hand *swoon) on 6 acres with 2 pups, Rosie and Luna, 7 outdoor barn cats, 20 chickens. I’m a city girl raised in Indianapolis… so living in a town of 600 people is WAYYY outside my previous comfort zone… but it’s growing on me (and so is the accent lol).

- I’m a Registered Nurse who could not escape her entrepreneurial spirit. After graduating nursing school in 2021 while pursuing a path of midwifery (that means catching babies if you’re unfamiliar with that term!), I decided to take a sidestep from working in the hospital and focus on other aspects of “women’s” health: menstrual education, hormone challenges such as PCOS and hypothyroidism, Whole Health or holistic living for women and AFAB individuals, education about birth control options, healthy sex education and STI prevention, and above all: teaching others about how to advocate for themselves in their health.

- You’ll notice my use of inclusive language… and I do that for a BIG reason. One reason is that I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community. More on that in another post, if you’re so inclined to know my backstory. Secondly, I recognized that healthcare professionals are REALLY HESITANT to use inclusive language and that pisses me off… hardcore. It’s extremely prevalent in maternity and “women’s” health… because well, we’re talking about vaginas, uteruses, “female” hormones like estrogen, LH, and FSH, ovaries, babies, and nursing/feeding at the breast/chest, and those have traditionally been “women’s domain.” But not every woman has these physical features, and not everyone who has these physical traits are women.

I, for one, am going to do EVERYTHING I can to use inclusive language… fully aware that it’s going to upset some women. Oh well, if you get upset by me saying she/their or “women and AFAB individuals” then there’s an “X” at the top of your screen… feel free to click it. Because you aren’t going to like ANYTHING I write. But, instead, if someone who is AFAB finds my page, realizes that their healthcare is important, their unique perspective and body is sacred, and that there are people who want to support them so they can advocate for their health… THEN that is fucking worth the hundreds of Karens leaving my site who get offended by me adding an extra identifier. To those people, I send love to you, and here is the door. There are a MILLION other educators who still use the term “women” exclusively… go follow them. If you’re still here, you’re my kind of people! For more on inclusivity and representation in healthcare, check out this blog post.

a yellow and green mandala
One of my divinely-inspired mandalas

- I’m a serious Creatrix… like, I’m creating the heck out of my life on the daily. I paint, draw mandalas, dance, sing, write… and I’m also a huge fan of creating with my Living, Breathing Self. I create magic with my food, I create pleasure with my Self and others, I create with Spirit ALL the time, I just love CREATING. Anything. Everything. It’s my life’s purpose… really I think it’s the whole point of all of our existence… but more on that later. Everything I create is beautiful, perfect in its imperfection, and delightfully joy-filled because it was created from a place of Joy deep in my jellies.

- I deeply long to be a motivational speaker… being on stage in front of people is one of the most exhilarating activities for my Soul! I have this slogan, a twist on a classic: instead of saying “Dance like no one is watching,” my motto is “Dance like EVERYONE is watching!” Honestly, it’s the most magical thing that happens… I feel connected to every single person in the audience, and through that connection, I feel their hearts, I hear their dreams, I see their Light. And through that very intimate Knowing… I’m able to reflect to them all that I experience. That’s about the best way I can describe that feeling. It’s not about accolades or validation… it’s about CONNECTION and VULNERABILITY. Sooooo, I’m in the early stages of getting myself back into a position to get speaking in front of groups IN PERSON… this is so essential for my Soul.

10 Stats about Kori Rae:

- I’m a Sagittarius sun, Gemini moon and Taurus rising!

- I am a Reflector 6/3 in Human Design and a 33 Life Path in numerology!

- I fucking love goat cheese, like I would marry it if I could

- I own and ride my own motorcycle… a BMW F700GS (her name is Lilith <3)

- I spent 10 years serving our country in the Navy

- I practice ethical non-monogamy

- My dream vacation is a solo motorcycle ride through France, Italy, Croatia, and Greece

- When I was a kid, I wanted to be a marine biologist (I was totally a mermaid in a past life)

- My strongest Clare is Clairvoyance, but I also have skills in clairsentience and claircognizance

- I LOVE Oracle cards and plan on designing some myself!

Anywho, thanks for hanging out with me for a few. Leave a comment below… tell me something we have in common! I want to get to know you too! Muah!

<3 Kori Rae


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